My First Lady


On this occasion of International Women’s Day, I look back at the women who have made a difference in my life. The first year of my life, I was taken care of by another woman, a woman who perhaps is the one solely responsible for me being a brat, because she pampered me so much (she still does actually), my dear grandmother. There is a story of me crying like a baby (actually I was a baby), in the airport the day I was leaving back because I missed my grandmother. I finally stopped crying only when I saw an elderly lady wearing spectacles like my grandmother’s.

After that, there was the maid at home, who took a lot of care of me. I still remember being the menace in her life – I bet she still has nightmares about me. The next influences in my life came in the form of teachers. Throughout my schooling, majority of my teachers were women, and almost all of them, left a mark on my life. From the teacher who used to share my breakfast during the interval, to the teacher who held me in her arms crying, after I rolled down a hill (that’s a long story), to the teacher who insisted that I couldn’t get a 100 in Maths (she was right!!), to the teachers who liked/hated me only because my face reminded them of someone else. But I still shared a unique bond with them all. I still remember each one of them, and I hope that a few remember me too.

I have a lot of female friends as well (few of them who I converted into sisters), and each of them have taught me a lot in life as well. I believe that no female has a grudge against me (Oh shit, I forgot, some do.. Oops..), but most of them don’t (I hope). All these women have made a change in my life, some way or the other. Needless to say the first on that list of women in my life would be my darling mother. Though some say that it is impossible that a sweetheart like my mom could have given birth to a rascal like me, I still believe that I am her son. This post is dedicated to her, sitting on her couch possibly watching serial, maybe even cross stitching (her latest hobby). This post is to tell her that there is a spoilt brat sitting in Indiranagar thinking of her. Happy Women’s Day to my “First Lady”


Posted on March 8, 2013, in General Stuff and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. brilliant!!! just loved it APJ 🙂 🙂


  2. Thank you sweeta. Very happy to see that you still remember your teachers right from your LKG class. Reading your blog I was taken back to 1986 and ….. Thank you for everything.


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